📢 사왕CC 여름 스파 패키지 2025
5박 마사지 패키지 380,000원
라운딩 5박 + 마사지 1시간 30분 4회

การแข่งขันกอล์ฟ ชมรมกอล์ฟสว่างรีสอร์ทเพชรบุรี 2561
เนื่องในวันเสาร์ที่ 15 กันยายน 2561 ที่ผ่านมา สนามกอล์ฟสว่างรีสอร์ทได้มีการจัดงานการแข่งขันกอล์ฟครั้งที่ 1 เกิดขึ้นครั้งแรก ณ...

New plans kick-off with Sawang Open September 2018
This year, Sawang Resort has confirm plans to re-establish the resort and facilities to greater standards, emphasizing on giving quality...

태국 계절 과일 Fruits of Thailand
안녕하세요~ 과일 좋아하시는 분 많으시지요?~ 이번 블로그는 태국의 계절 과일 알려드리겠습니다~

한국분들이 놀래시지 않는 객실
사왕cc의 객실 어떻게 생긴지 알려드립니다~! 사왕cc의 객실은 클럽하우스와 리조트로 나눠 있습니다. 클럽하우스는 호텔 같고 식당과 그린피(카운터) 같이 있는 숙소입니다. 리조트는 독채/별채 , 클럽하우스 건물에서 떨어져 있는 건물입니다. 카트로...

First ever FOOTGOLF OPEN @ Sawang Resort
Its my first ever web post and it is about something new and exciting at Sawang Resort. Some of our guests may have already experience...

Click to see video: How to play footgolf by coach Namphu. Like any sport, footgolf requires understanding of the game for a player to...

Food tour along Bangkok to Hua-hin route
Feeling hungry while on the road? Looking for a bite that wont bite you back? Well we have combined the good places that will guarantee a...